Friday Introductions


I really haven’t properly introduced myself in a while so I figured it was about time. My name is Kyah Jo and I live in Wisconsin with my husband Justin and dog Kirk. I would say I’m introverted but I do enjoy spending time with a few people that I feel really get me and vice versa. Is it cliche to say I like coffee? Because I do, and I should considering I also work at a wonderful little coffee shop in the off season!

I am nearing 30 years old and this past year have just discovered some new interests that I wish I would have years ago. I’ve recently starting learning how to knit and really enjoy it. It’s so relaxing, after you get past the hand cramping:) I also starting playing video games and board games. Justin loves video games and board games so being able to share those interests together have been really special. ( Just please don’t ask Justin how many hours I’ve put in playing Fortnite, I swear its not over 300 hours!) We always love new board game suggestions and sharing our favorites so please let us know your favorites!

Music is a passion of mine. I’ve starting to learn to play guitar and drums and it’s been a blast. I really like being able to express myself through music and encouraging myself to take on new challenges.

Thanks for reading and I love to meet new people so please don’t hesitate to say hi!

Photo credit: Katie and Joe Bauer
